NEWS: Batkid Saves San Francisco

A few weeks ago, we posted this story about how the Make-A-Wish Foundation was rallying the people of San Francisco to help Miles, a young boy who has had leukemia since he was 20 months old, to fulfill his dream of becoming Batman. 

On November 14th, Miles teamed up with his favorite caped crusader and hit the town for a day filled with busting crime, saving damsels, and eating burgers.  It’s a story that’s best captured with photos that you can check out via Imgur; my personal favorites are the photo of Batkid hugging the woman that he rescued from the Riddler and the photo of Batkid’s little brother with a Robin cape.

According to the Los Angeles Times, around 12,000 volunteers arrived to show their support for Miles as he kept their fair city safe from the likes of The Penguin and The Riddler.  Many of the bystanders were moved to tears as little Miles got to live out his dream and defend them from evil. 

In addition to the civilian population of San Francisco showing their overwhelming support, members of San Francisco’s police and fire department were also on hand to help Batkid on his journey.  The day wrapped up at City Hall where Miles was presented with the key to the city and thanked for his heroic efforts.  The event also managed to garner the attention of President Obama, who took time out of his schedule to post a congratulatory message through Vine. 

Though I’m typically cold and dead inside, this is one of those stories that makes one realize that human beings can be pretty great sometimes.  It’s something that the little kid in all of us can relate to as we try and imagine how cool it would be to become a superhero for a day, and it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving little kid.

Photo: San Francisco Examiner