Geek Dad Report #11

I have to say, that the inspiration for this piece came from an odd place. My wife likes that Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood show, I had the pleasure of sitting there as she watched it. One part I did catch and pay attention to was during the last episode, Dean has a crisis of the mind. His wife is terrified of his motorcycle racing, and he wants to give it up. When he is explaining why it is so hard for him to do so. He taps the middle of his forehead and says something to the effect of “It cleanses my soul right here when I am doing it, it makes me whole. It isn’t just a hobby, it is the thing that keeps me alive.”

That is what I think this new hobby of mine is, a cleansing of my mind and spirit, though, where do we find that balance between our hobbies and being good parents and/or spouses? Geeks have it harder than anybody else, our hobbies are downright expensive, whether it be video games, movies, DnD, Magic the Gathering, Comic Books, Writing, you name it. Why is it that we find ourselves skimping it on a night out with spouse or friends? Or, being reluctant to let our kids play by themselves or with others when you are fully capable at the moment of spending your time with them? We do those things so that we can have our time with the hobbies we enjoy, but at what real cost? To buy another comic book, save up for a toy, pay a monthly World of Warcraft fee, or buy that blue-ray movie?

I guess you have to say that we become self centered and selfish in a way in nature. You may be able to detach yourself at some point put eventually you feel that longing, that itch to get back into that old groove that felt so good. Don’t get my wrong, hobbies are a good thing, and it takes a special person to see it as a compliment to your being instead of as a negative reflection of yourself. What I am trying to get at, is that we as Geeks should take a solid look at our hobbies and ask yourselves and I know this is goddamn heresy, but honestly, ask yourself. “Is it worth it?” Yeah, I’ll go there, I’ll stand front the throngs and tell you, that stuff that you love, and enjoy the living hell out of? It’s not your top priority, I’m not trying to be a dick, just telling you a point of view, take it or leave it.

Hell, as I’m sitting here writing this, during this ultimately stressful time in my life where we don’t know how the heck we are going to step forward, my Wife is sitting alone in the living room reading a book or watching TV. Honestly, it’s killing me, and I’m grateful that she understands how much this Geeky hobby that I just can’t seem to get over means that we spend less time together. God, I’m such an ass, to you my reader for one part, apparently I’m a whining bitch trying to take something away from you, and in all intents and purposes, I’m not.

I’m just asking you my geeky brethren, to find that comfort zone, find that place were you can balance your hobbies, friends, and family like on those scales of lore. Find that place where you an appease your inner self, put your mind at ease and not make an ultimate sacrifice on the one true thing that matters, and that is the humanity that surrounds you. Geeks know that sacrifices have to be made, Superheroes let loved ones fall by the wayside to save the world, Kirk and Spock had to throw down for their friendship some times, Vader took that lightning from The Emperor to save Luke, but we don’t live in those worlds, we live in ours. Remember that while our hobbies and the multitude of worlds that open up to us through them are indeed awesome, eventually, you have to come back to this one, and I’m not screwing around when I say this. But, when you find that balance, and we leave our geek worlds behind, there is nothing better that plopping down next to someone who appreciates the real you.