Geek spotlight: The Kingdom of Loathing

With all these MMO’s on the market nowadays, wouldn’t it be nice to play something free AND fun? Log on to and have some fun. A surprisingly fleshed out browser games, KoL pokes fun at the gaming and Internet community, with quests such as avenging the death of literacy. With many areas, clans, players, and adventures, it’s a great way to pass time at work, or while browsing at home.

KoL is completely free, as I said, but donations are appreciated. Luckily, there is a reward for it, as every ten dollar donation results in a Mr. Accessory, a powerful item that can be traded for items and familiars at a certain store in-game.

Humor-wise, they don’t have to try too hard. Dry, sarcastic, and full of pop-culture references, you can’t help but let out a chuckle playing. So give it a try. For those of you who are wondering, my screen name is jesus_h_pizza. Look me up, and have a chat. For meatbags like yourselves, that’s a privilege.

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