Dark Knight Viral: Citizens For Batman: Lame Sauce?


Slashfilm.com has posted a good report from the Chicago Citizens for Batman location which you can check out here. Here’s an excerpt that pretty much sums it up though:

I just got back from the Citizens for Batman rally in Chicago and it was very anti-climatic. Rather than having a real rally where someone was preaching support for batman or getting people to chant for the dark knight, swag (which was cool) was given out and then they delivered pizza.

Pretty much a bunch of people showed up, were given some groovy swag, were forced to run around Chicago, given free Domino’s Pizza and shown the Bat Signal up on a building. Sounds like a rare miss from The Dark Knight viral campaign…
As Swank and I discussed earlier today, this sounds like something we could have done in my apartment, minus the running, plus beer.

Anyway, check out the report and draw your own conclusion and keep an eye on whysoserious.com/overture tomorrow evening when the countdown ends!