The “X-Men: First Class” international trailer went up today, and it’s obvious that they got a much better one than we did! The Japanese trailer for the movie (titled “X Men: First Generation” in Japan), has a lot more footage of the upcoming action. Although the trailer begins in a similar manner to its U.S. counterpart, it goes on to give us a much better look at the characters and I think it would bring a lot more people into the theater.

“>Embedding has been disabled for this video, but go give it a watch through this link!

You’ll be glad you did.

I’ve roughly translated the opening title slides as follows (they are quite similar to the US trailer):

“Professor X.”

“There was a time when he was Charles.”


“There was a time when he was Erik.”

“Before they became enemies, they were allies/friends.”

“One full of hope. One full of pain.”

I know I missed a couple of title slides. Sorry as I am not fluent in written Japanese! Hopefully this helps, though.
