TRAILER: John Carter of Mars

Holy crap.

Pixar released the first trailer for John Carter of Mars (They can drop the “of Mars” all they want, I’m not going to) and I really couldn’t be more excited for this movie. Edgar Rice Burroughs’ novels are some of the most incredible, fun, and adventerous books I’ve ever read and knowing that Pixar is the mind behind bringing it to the big screen is blowing my mind on a regular basis.

Go here to watch the trailer in Glorious Quicktime.

They’re definitely going the route of the classic story and everything looks different than I imagined, but somehow better. The glimpse of the denizens of Barsoom ran shivers down. There were two moments that got me more than that though: John Carters leap into the Barsoomian desert, and the voice of Tars Tarkas (Willem DeFoe). They teased so much, though… I am DYING to see what their Tars Tarkas looks like and they just gave me his voice.

My only concern is that does it seem as though they’re playing down (at least for the trailer) the color of Dejah Thoris? Anybody?

At the end of the day I’m so happy about everything about this (even though the guy playing John Carter did play Gambit, the stupidest mutant of all time, in the stupidest Wolverine movie of all time). They’ve nailed the look and the feel and it feels like the movie will embody the breathless action the book instills you with.

This trailer just rocketed this movie up to my number 2 spot for most excited, right behind Captain America, meaning it’ll move up to number 1 soon.


Well done, Pixar. Well done.

UPDATE: I’m not an idiot. I know the logos on the trailer say Disney. But when it was announced, this was touted as being Pixar’s first live action film. It’s directed by Andrew Stanton. I don’t know why the Pixar logo isn’t on there, but they’re doing the effects and the film. So… stop giving me shit about it not being Pixar. This is a Pixar movie through and through.