TRAILER: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Warner Brothers released the trailer for the final (sort of) installment of the Harry Potter series and I have to say that it certainly gave me the chills.  I’ll definitely see this one opening weekend.

I’ve had a bit of a checkered past with the Harry Potter series and I finally watched the 6th movie last night and was pretty pleasantly surprised.  It might even be my second favorite after the 3rd installment, The Prisoner of Azkaban, which was directed by Alfonso Cuaron and was easily the best of the bunch.

I love the books, but the first two movies were cringe-inducing, the 4th movie was pretty okay and the the fifth movie was yawn inducing and didn’t really handle anything even close to what should have been an incredibly emotional climax.  The sixth movie came quite a bit closer to that climax than any of the other installments (excepting the brilliant Azkaban picture.)

In any case, you can watch it in glorious quicktime.