STAR WARS VII: Jonathan Frakes Wants In

In my interview with Jonathan Frakes about Star Trek, he started talking to me about JJ Abrams and his reboot of Star Trek. He recounted his experience on the set of Star Trek: Into Darkness and how wonderful and capable JJ was.

Talk naturally moved to Star Wars and I asked him point blank if he’d want to jump universes for a part in a Star Wars movie.

Here’s the relevant portion of the interview:

Frakes: I think JJ has been brilliant with the reboot. His work is astounding. I love the first movie, and I’m really excited about the second one, and I can tell from the trailer it’s going to be spectacular. I’m a big JJ fan, and I think the franchise is in good hands, and I think Star Wars is lucky to have him as well. The idea of Next Gen working its way into his franchise is hard to imagine, but not impossible, so I’m certainly hopeful that at least one of us will show up in his movies.

Young: So if JJ called you up and asked you to switch teams and be in Star Wars, would you follow that direction?

Frakes: In a heartbeat… In a heartbeat.

I would love to see an actor like Frakes in some role or another. He’d make a great officer of some sort, or even a smuggler. To be honest, he’s one of those actors that just puts a smile on my face when I see him working and he was always one of my favorite characters in Star Trek. In fact, his appearance of Deep Space Nine might have been one of my favorite guest appearances on a show ever.

But what do you think? Do you think there’s too much mixing between Star Wars and Star Trek already?