STAR WARS VII: Chris Hemsworth Wants In

Talking to MTV, a reporter there asked Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth if he’d want in on the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.

His response was predictable:

Hemsworth: Oh man, I love those films. That’s the sort of bread and butter of my film experience as a kid. I would love to work on something like that. I also loved “Lord of the Rings.” I would have loved to have done something in that world.

Like I said, it’ll be news when an actor says, “No. I’d have no interest whatsoever in being in Star Wars. That being said, though, I’d love to see Hemsworth take on a role in Star Wars. He’s made his mark on Star Trek and Marvel, I’d love to see what he could do for Star Wars.

If he were to take the part of any character, EU, established universe, or otherwise, what would you like to see?

I could see him very easily as a Jedi, a mercenary, a bounty hunter, an Imperial, or anything else he’d set his mind to.