Star Tours 2.0 Destinations Revealed!

Earlier this week, the Disney Park Blog gave a tease about potential destinations that Star Tours 2.0 would be travelling. They offered three teases and only one of them turned out to be false. (It was Endor we will not be travelling to, which is…sad… Because that’s where I’ve always wanted Star Tours to take me.)

But today (which I’m pretty sure is real, despite the date) they released a list of most of the destinations they’ll be visiting. There’s also a new spaceport they’ve created just for this attraction that they haven’t named publicly.

From their post:

Additional destinations include a visit to the beautiful planet of Naboo, a rare tour of the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk, and a trip to the icy planet Hoth (seen above in a still image from Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back).

Of course, no Star Tours adventure would be complete without an unexpected visit to the Death Star, this time above the planet Geonosis.

This is a pretty solid list of planets and a host of variety is possible and I love the idea that Geonosis is where we’ll encounter the Death Star, since it was Geonosian engineers that designed it. I love the possibilities that entails.

But I still want to go to Endor.