UPDATED: Singer Directing Superman: Man of Steel For Sure!

Excerpt from the Den of Geek story (which is from the IESB story!):

Singer, who has just come off the back of the promotional work for the Tom Cruise flick Valkyrie, was suspected to be moved off the project, given the underwhelming critical and fan response to his 2006 Superman reboot, Superman Returns. Warner Bros has been cautious since then on how to proceed with the Superman franchise, particularly having sat and watched how the Batman series has been reignited, and talk was of a further reboot, without Singer’s involvement.

However, perhaps with one eye on Singer’s excellent second X-Men movie, IESB has learned that he’s getting the reigns for the next adventure for the Man Of Steel. Brandon Routh too will be returning to don the famous tights.

As with a lot of superhero movies, Superman Returns had mixed reviews at best, but this bot actually enjoyed it. It was a “reboot” of sorts, I felt, and was meant to be the beginning of something new. I knew it was probably going to be a little slow at times like it was as I always assumed, “Okay, this is probably going to be the first of several movies, so be patient.” With that said, Supes better get the chance to punch the fuck out of something! Regardless, I am excited to see what happens with round two with Singer and Routh.

UPDATE: This is directly from the story we pulled this from at Den of Geek:

Update: Silly us. Turns out the report was from exactly a year ago, and not today. Apologies for the confusion caused. We did double check, but clearly missed the digit at the end of the year name. We shall spend the weekend clearly wiping some egg off our faces. An honest, human mistake, and it won’t be happening again.

In the interests of proving just how daft we were, we’ll leave the original story we wrote in tact. Apologies again.