See-Threepio on Star Tours 2.0

See-Threepio is back on board the set of Star Tours and the Disney Parks blog have given us our first glimpse of him on their site today.  Anthony Daniels, who portrayed him in all six of the original films and the original Star Tours reprises his role as the effeminate protocol droid.

From their site:

“Wow! Back in the gold suit for the first time since ‘Revenge of the Sith,’” was Anthony’s reply. “But on this occasion in front of a beloved Starspeeder, a bit like the one R2 and I’d repaired every day since Disneyland first opened the Star Tours Spaceport all those years ago. I’d enjoyed being a part of the original Star Tours, one of the most wonderful jobs I ever had. I’d been alerted that amazing things were in store for passengers on the new Starspeeder – and for me too – and so here I was again, working with many of the same creative teams, with even more spin and excitement than the first time.”

I’m guessing that this shoot happened sometime last year.  I reported on a pretty reliable report that Boba Fett had been spotted on a sound stage shooting and the guess was that he was there for Star Tours.  Since they’ve closed the last iteration of the ride, they haven’t been shy about letting details slip.  For example, we know that it’s been said that the ride won’t be the same, even if you ride it ten times.  (Hopefully that’s not an overstatement like it was with the Indiana Jones ride, which I loved, but the variation was pretty inconsequential.)

They’re doing a very good job at making it impossible for me to sit at home when this ride opens.  I’m sure I’ll have a full report then, and any in between I hear about.

There are many more pictures on the Disney blog.