ComingSoon.net/SuperHero Hype! talked to Sam Raimi about the prospect of Spider-Man 4, it was just a quick little blurb, but here you go:
“James Vanderbilt is writing the script and I’m excited to read it. I think it’s going to be done in a few months,” Raimi told us, adding, “I’m hoping it’s as great as our discussions were about it and I’m hoping it feels right for me because I love Spider-Man. I’m hoping I’m well rested enough to embrace it and I’m hoping Sony wants me to do it. If all of those things come together, I would love to do it. There are a lot of unknowns about the future.”And how does he feel about re-casting key players if needed? “I’d hate to re-cast anybody in the future, I can’t imagine that.”
No mention of filming Spidey 4 & 5 together, but nice to see he still apparently has some passion about the franchise. It will certainly be interesting to see where it goes from here and is mistakes from Spider-Man 3 are acknowledged and fixed for the forthcoming sequels. I don’t think the damage done to the franchise is irreparable, but there’s certainly a lot of ground that needs to be made up. I still have faith in Raimi, hopefully more details of the fate of the next installments will bre revealed in a few months once there’s a script.