Out Today on DVD and Blu-ray 6/29/2010

Today sees the special edition Blu-ray release of Predator, which is perhaps one of the finest science fiction/action adventure films ever made. If you’ve never seen this movie and are keen to see Robert Rodriguez’ badass looking sequel, this is certainly the place to start. Stan Winston’s creature effects have held up remarkably upon my last viewing of the film, and I’m keen to see how much more detailed the costume was in this new transfer of the film.

Next on the list today is an interesting indy film starring Paul Giamatti as a rocket scientist who is enlisted by his buddies to build a functioning jetpack like those seen in James Bond and Kick-Ass. It seems comical and Giamatti is always fun to watch. I’m definitely checking this one out.

Amazon is broken, otherwise I’d be recommending more. Anything else out today that I should know about?