Out Today on DVD and Blu-ray 11/17


This is a long column, so hold on to your hats.

I’m going to lead off with Star Trek. There isn’t much to say about this release. The three-disc+digital copy Blu-ray (linked in the title) is the same price right now as every other version and you can’t get much better bang for your buck on Blu-ray for less than $20. This film was great and you will enjoy it over and over and over again. Our new robot wrote a review for it here!

Star Trek is great and all, but the movie I’m actually the most excited for a Blu-ray release today is Gone with the Wind. I love every frame of this picture and I watch it a lot more often than I would like to admit. And seriously, if you get through this picture and the last 40 minutes don’t make you bawl, you must be some manner of emotionless robot. Like Dr. Cyborg. One of the things that has always struck me the hardest was the cinematography and the use of color, seeing it for the first time on a hi-definition format on an excellent TV is going to be quite an experience for me. And don’t let the fact that the film is 70 years old this year sour it for you, it’s AMAZING. Trust me.

Next on the list is one of my favorite films, Luc Besson’s The Professional. It still holds up as one of the finest action films ever made and one of the most intriguing love stories ever filmed. It also has one of the best trailers ever to grace cinemas. (Click here to watch the “>trailer.)

Fight Club is getting a Blu-ray release today. This is good news for those of us who love this movie. It was easily one of the better films of 1999 (after Phantom Menace and a few others, of course.)

Galaxy Quest is finally getting its Blu-ray release, after their big DVD release earlier in the year. That didn’t make any sense to me, but at the end of the day, I’m glad to finally have this fantastic film brought into a high-definition format.

Kevin Smith is getting three films on Blu-ray today in the form of the Kevin Smith Box Set (Clerks | Chasing Amy | Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back). I think Clerks and Chasing Amy are two of Smith’s absolute best, so it’s nice to have them on Blu-ray. Jay and Silent Bob will get viewed at least one more time on my part now, which is something that hasn’t happened since the theatres, but it’s boxed with the other two, so I’ll have it.

It is also interesting to note that Farscape: The Complete Series is coming out today. I’m told it’s been a pain in the butt to get, but it’s here now. I might be tempted to check the whole thing out…

Brüno is also coming out today. You can read my brother’s review of it here.

Like I said, this was a big day… See you all next week.