Out Today on DVD 7/29

dark city blu ray

Today is the day that I would declare DVD officially dead since it is the first day in the long (ok, maybe not so long) history of the Out Today on DVD column where ALL of my picks are Blu-Rays.  It’s only going to get bigger, people.

First, we have the Director’s cut of Dark City.  Holy shit, this movie is perfect.  If you haven’t seen it, you need to.  I kid you no, it’s a masterpiece.  It’s hands down the best film of 1998 (it was lucky that it didn’t have a Star Wars movie to compete with for that spot) and I would even say one of the best of the 90s–no…  One of the best of the 1900’s…  No lie.

This disc has 3 commentary tracks (the commentaries on the last release are like going to film school)  and I can’t imagine them getting any better.  But Blu-ray will provide the picture and sound quality that this film deserves.  And there’s no reason for you not to buy it, either.  Amazon has it listed for less than $20 which is a steal for a Blu-ray these days.

Next on our list is The Lost Boys on Blu-ray.  This movie is pretty cheesy, but I love it.  And it was made before Schumacher’s anal rape of the Batman franchise, so it doesn’t qualify for my post Batman Forever Schumacher boycott. Corey Feldman needs more work these days.  Yes, yes, a straight to DVD sequel to Lost Boys starring Feldman comes out today, too, but that’s not exactly what I meant when I said he needed more work.

Also a bunch of Jack Ryan films are coming out on Blu-ray today (Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, The Sum of All Fears and The Hunt For Red October) and to be honest, I only vividly remember two of these.  (Red October and Patriot Games).  I remember liking them but would be interested to see them again to form a more concrete opinion.  And you can (almost) never go wrong with Harrison Ford, who is in half of these movies.

That’s it for today.  See you next week.