Welcome to the first 2009 installment of DVD and Blu-ray releases.
Without further ado, we’ll be getting to the DVD releases of the week.
Battlestar Galactica – Season 4.0 is the first thing on the list. Not because I highly recommend it or anything, in fact I’ve never seen it. I just hear too much about it at the Geek Show tapings that I’m at the point that I really want to start.
Next is Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor on Blu-ray from the Criterion Collection. Sounds like a good time to me. Criterion discs are always worth the money.
Not a lot else today. It’s been a light few weeks for releases, which I guess is great for those of us who want to catch up on movies. Righteous Kill came out, which I was interested in seeing but somehow managed to miss. Another big Geek Show recommendation that keeps coming up is Dexter: The Complete First Season
on Blu-ray. So that should be pretty good for some of you.
Until next week.