Nintendo E3 Trailer Round-Up!

Rather than making more individual posts for each game Nintendo showed off today, I decided to add all of the ones I could find, and I’ll add my snap judgement after each. Enjoy all of the eye candy, and let us know what you think!

First up is Super Mario for the 3DS. I’m looking forward to this one, and the return of Tanooki Mario is quite welcome.

Plenty of screens to be had with it as well.

Next up, we have Luigi’s Mansion 2 for 3DS. This one is dear to me, as I am a huge Luigi fan (gotta love the underdog). I may have to buy a 3DS just for this one…

Staying on the Mario side of things, we have Paper Mario for 3DS. The Paper Mario Games have always been a delight, I’m sure this one won’t be an exception.

Moving on, we have Kid Icarus: Uprising for 3DS. This was shown last year, but now we know more of the story, and there is multiplayer, which makes use of Augmented Reality, which is pretty danged cool.

No wealth of screenshots for this one, but the video kind of speaks for itself.

Finally, we have StarFox 3D. Come on, it’s StarFox in it’s purest, space shooting form. What’s not to love? New additions include making a fool of yourself in multiplayer, using the camera. You can also alternate between button and touch controls, which is pretty nice.

There you have it. Tons of new stuff from Nintendo. While everyone had a pretty good showing, I’m willing to say that Nintendo “won”. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m taking a break, as I have mushrooms dancing in my head at this point!