NEWS: “Jurassic Park 4” Directing Gig Goes to Colin Trevorrow

When I perused the internet this morning, it was abuzz with theories that Spielberg himself would be back in the director’s chair for the fourth installment of everyone’s favorite dinosaur franchise (don’t troll, “Land Before Time” is a close second). By the time I looked again, the job had been awarded to a director that has only one feature film under his belt.

Colin Trevorrow directed the wonderful but quiet “Safety Not Guaranteed,” which you should watch immediately. The film is about a man who places an add for a partner in time travel, his questionable sanity, and the relationships he makes while preparing for the journey. I don’t want to say anything more about the movie, as it is full of more surprises than you would expect. But – it doesn’t exactly scream “hmmm, this director should make a gigantic budget 3D pic next.” Which is exactly why I think it’s a great idea.

I’m really enjoying the trend of employing fresh directors for giant pictures. I feel like these folks grew up on the same movies I did, they respect them, but making a shiny, expensive movie is second to making a film that will spark little kids’ imaginations and capture the feeling we grownups remember but rarely experience anymore. Trevorrow is supported by a great team that includes the writers of “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” and the original production team that made all those Spielberg blockbusters so special, so Jurassic Park 4 is shaping up to be a project to look forward to. More than I ever thought I would.

As long as they don’t hire that Tippett guy. You had one job, Phil. One job!