Netflix Picks: ‘Tank Girl’

Every week we’re bringing you recommendations for great movies or TV shows streaming on Netflix. This week’s selection is…

“Tank Girl” (1995) 7 out of 10 – Directed by Rachel Talalay; Based on a comic book of the same name written by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett; Starring Lori Petty, Ice-T, Naomi Watts, and Malcolm McDowell; Rated R.

“Tank Girl” tells the tale of a dystopian future wherein a comet hit the Earth and it hasn’t rained in eleven years, water is scarce and controlled by the corrupt corporation Water and Power. W&P is run by Kesslee (McDowell) who uses the water shortage to control the world population. He who controls the water controls the universe and all that.

The title character, played by Lori Petty, is a member of a rebellion in the Australian outback with a goal of breaking the hold of W&P on the water supply. Like a low-tech futuristic Robin Hood she steals from the sated to give to the parched.

Like most tyrants, Kesslee doesn’t appreciate the threat on his stranglehold and attacks their hideout killing several people in the process. Tank Girl as well as a young friend of hers are taken captive. Tank Girl is enslaved and tortured while her friend Sam is sold into slavery at a sex club called Liquid Silver.

While in captivity Kesslee takes a liking to Tank Girl because of her wit and attitude, though he makes no secret of his intent to break her. There Tank Girl meets Jet Girl (Watts) who has given up on regaining her previous life and desires nothing more than to keep under the radar and make as little trouble as possible.

Meanwhile the Rippers, genetically modified soldiers crafted from human and kangaroo DNA, wreak havoc on Water and Power. Tank Girl hatches a plan to escape enslavement, save Sam from Liquid Silver, and take down Water and Power. Despite overwhelming odds, with the help of Jet, Sam, and the Rippers she just may have a chance.

“Tank Girl” employs multiple mediums to tell the story including animation, comic book style stills, puppets, and animatronics. It’s not surprising that the film failed at the box office, it is immediately apparent that this movie wouldn’t appeal to a wide audience, however it hits enough key notes to have achieved a cult status. Most notably “Tank Girl” throws out the damsel in distress model, the character of Tank Girl never shows any signs of distress even when they would be justified and would easily stand toe to toe with any Han Solo for quick thinking and badassery.

She maintains a hardnosed and snarky demeanor toward Kesslee and manages to save not only herself, but her friends, and perhaps the rest of the world in the process. “Tank Girl” earns seven stars out of ten for strong female characters and interesting aesthetics, as well as for introducing a race of sentient kangaroos with a straight face. 


Foreshadowing? Yes.