Murray talks Ghostbusters 3 with Howard Stern

On Monday, February 21, Bill Murray was on Howard Stern’s radio show. Of course Ghostbusters 3 came up, here’s what Bill had to say:

Howard Stern: Is it true that there is a Ghostbusters 3 and that you’re the problem and you will not sign off on this? Do you know about this?

Bill Murray: Yeah, I guess I’m the problem. Before I was an asset, [but] now I’m a problem. There’s a script somewhere [on my desk], but I haven’t read it yet.

Robin Quivers: So you have no interest?

BM: Well, I’ll get to it… I gotta get to it – I feel bad. I got a message and I think people – I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings – it’s not the foremost thing in my mind, so I don’t think about it.

You know, the studio gets excited every 10 years or so. What they’d really like to do is recreate the franchise. I remember when the new Ghostbusters was going to be Chris Rock, Chris Farley and Chris Crane… Kris Kringle… someone [laughs] – that had it together.

HS: Is that a threat to you? In other words, did they try to threaten you by saying we’re going to put together a new Ghostbusters and therefore you guys will have to go do it?

BM: It’s not a threat, it’s sort of businesslike – they’d like to keep it going. There are still kids today that watch this movie and love it, it’s still very popular. They still sell a lot of toys and everything.

So there you have it. Although it doesn’t seem as though Bill was quite as stand-offish as in the past. At the end of the interview Murray jokes that he’s going to go find that Ghostbusters 3 script. Below I’ve embedded the first part of the interview on YouTube. Thanks to for letting us know about this.