MOVIE TRAILERS! “Your Highness”

One movie I would have never expected to say “I can’t WAIT for this to come out!” about. Seriously. But…

warning, this one is Red Banded… if you care about that sort of thing.

David Gordon Greene’s: Your Highness

I laughed through the entire trailer… rapid fire jokes and humor designed to poke fun of the whole, fantasy epic genre, oh- and pot smoking with a puppet.

My favorite part about the whole thing was the slew of American actors doing (poor) British accents. Swank-mo-tron’s favorite part was Natalie Portman’s behind. All in all- it looks like it is going to be one balls out good time! I can honestly say this looks like the most EPIC comedy ever to be produced. The scope of it looks unreal for something from the group that made Pineapple Express.