Finally they’ve got this beast on the interpipes!

Sit back, try to relax, kick off your size 10’s, slip into your sheepskin nerd-boots and prepare to be transported through time and space… the time: 1982, the space: Disney’s vision of the internet in… 1982…


Watch the official trailer here! (thanks to movie-list for putting it in a handy place for us) Or if you’re feeling adventurous- go to the official site and sift through all the flash for it: Alright, now that you’ve indulged in this eclair like visual feast let me give you a run down of my thoughts…

I was sitting in the dimly lit, pre-pubescent filled movie theater waiting for Alice in Wonderland: 3D to start, thinking to myself “How in the world did so many parents let their kids out on a school night for a midnight showing of this film? Where have we come? In my day…” because I’m so old, you see, “…my parents would have laughed in my face at the mere mention of going to a movie at the witching hour…” come to think of it, they’d laugh in my face now, even though I’m a big boy and make grown up decisions.

Anyway, I was sitting there thinking all of this to myself when the lights went out, the crowd audibly buzzed, then cheered! Then- …a 3D Friskies commercial played… the night’s movie going experience was off to an amazing start- as I watched a bunch of playful kittens romping through a cartoon world of leaves and other fantastical things, I felt my voice begin to crack- was I already transforming back into a child like innocence? was I going through the inglorious “backwards puberty” due to a 3D Friskies commercial!? The answer? No. But the mood in the room and that certain special atmosphere created by the excitement of ANYthing 3D, definitely got the ball rolling.

Now, I could bore you with the details of all the thoughts that flashed through my brain during all the trailers I watched that night, but I’m not going to. You see- I’m here to write about one trailer… and frankly you’re probably here to read about one trailer and are utterly confused as to why I haven’t written about it yet… me too.

As the trailer for Tron: Legacy began I didn’t know what I was watching, all I did know is that the music  and the cinematography and the editing of the trailer put flashbacks of The Dark Knight into my head… I was hooked. I mean- knowing nothing about the film, I was almost certain that it was shot by Wally Pfister- (but upon looking it up, I was wrong)… At about the point I was really intrigued- The shot of his motorcycle approaching the arcade popped up and I noticed the dilapidated “Tron” video game sign, just for a split second… I’m not sure anyone else noticed at first- but that was the point that I was no longer a baritone, I was 10 year old me, eagerly anticipating the arrival of what seemed like Christmas…

It was a downward progression of excited yelps and enthusiastic clapping from then on- I vividly remember two shots from the trailer that just lept out and punched me in the throat as “deal clenchers”: the first- “Brunette on a Couch”; I was at the movie with three of my friends, one girl, my room mate and a friend who’d never even heard of Tron before (no worries, I chastised him thoroughly)– but, as this shot laid itself across the silver of the screen and the actress gave that seducing look over her shoulder, all four of us, yes, including the girl, gave an audible “OH EM GEE” gasp… apparently, we were all running on instinct by that point of the trailer, and I mean- you’d have to be made of stone to not think that that girl was FLY!

The next shot was the: “Blond guy from every 80’s movie about the future strumming an air guitar” shot; This shot basically summed up my thoughts about EVERY. SINGLE. 80’s Fantasy film- first I thought “BOWIE!”; then I thought- “RUNNING MAN!”; then I thought- “BLAde Runner…?”; then I thought- “Hey- those are Jeff Bridges eyes they’re showing! its about time!” …you see, by that point the trailer was ending…

It was also by this point that I was looking at my friends who knew what they were watching and they were all all looking at me and the kid who didn’t know was shouting “What the hell is Tron!?” yet we were all giddy as to the coolness of what we’d just witnessed… Needless to say- it put me into the exact mood I needed to be in to watch Alice… and I didn’t even like the original Tron as much as this is making it sound!

Anyway- to sum this film up and to give a prediction or two on story- Obviously its about Bridge’s character’s son joining the world of Tron… but as for why? My guess- an even worse virus than before… and only his son’s understanding of modern day programming can help save… Tron…

Either way- it is going to be epic. I think that Tron is one of those underground, cult phenoms with so much nostalgic potential that no matter what, people are going to watch it. Even those who don’t know what it is. I know I will be there- Right along side Iron Man 2…