MOVIE TRAILERS! The Warrior’s Way

The Warrior’s Way, a visually-stunning modern martial arts western starring Korean actor Dong-gun Jang who plays an Asian warrior assassin forced to hide in a small town in the American Badlands. Rounding out the ensemble cast are Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns), Oscar®-winner Geoffrey Rush (Shine), Danny Huston (The Kingdom), and Tony Cox (The Hustle).The fantasy action film was written and directed by newcomer Sngmoo Lee, and is being produced by Barrie M. Osborne (Lord of the Rings), Jooick Lee (Seven Swords) and Michael Peyser (Hackers)

I’ll start by saying that I really like it when a synopsis tells me absolutely nothing about the film… yea, I don’t usually read the synopsis- but sometimes, I do. This is the rare time- and all it says is there is a ” target=”_blank”>Samurai living in the American badlands… (interesting fact, I was actually in the movie i just linked when I was about 10 years old…)

Here is the visually exciting and somewhat off-putting trailer for The Warrior’s Way:

Did I like this trailer? YES!  Do I want to see this movie?  Uh… YES!  Why?  Well- When it started- the only thought that was going through my mind was “Oh- Another japanese made film that was then ported for limited (most likely DVD release in the U.S. of A.)  But then, and without warning, a character spoke in clear, non-dubbed, accented, American English… this aforementioned stat is what was so off-putting to me about the trailer!  Apparently, this was produced for an English speaking audience… weird. But- then as it progressed, and the visuals became progressively more and more epic and ridiculous, I became more and more intrigued by this product they are going to be selling to a (majority) audience who could barely stomach Crouching Tiger, or Hero… I started to fall in love with the astonishingly blatant statement of: “I wanna make the movie I wanna make, and if that only fits a very tight knit demographic- then the rest o’ya be damned!”

At this point, Geoffrey Rush popped onto the screen as a plague ridden, dirty ol’prospectin’ coot… and I was sold. Aside from floating Ninja armies… this movie can’t get any more awesome. Speaking from a strictly trailer review stand-point, this looks like what every- over the top, stylization based film is striving to be. It is ridiculous and it knows it… hell- it EMBRACES it!

…in short, all I have to say about this movie is: “Ninjas…? Damn.”