I know, I know… its been quite some time since I’ve posted- its been a busy time in my life… But what truly matters is that I’m posting now, and more importantly- what I’m posting about!

Two trailers I’ve seen in the past three days have brought tears to my eyes from the sheer, unadulterated, childhood glee with which they did instill me with. The first being Tron: Legacy… the only problem is this trailer is not yet available online, but rest assured that once it is, I’ll be all over it!

The second trailer was of course the newly released visual barrage from Iron Man 2. Go ahead and read/watch Swank’s post so you can understand what I’m about to lay upon you!

If the originally released trailer didn’t get your blood pumping, your pores sweating and your nerdgasms gasming- then you are most probably a hippie zombie: no pulse and still waiting for the “Dawn of the Age of Aquarius” to hit theaters…  but EVEN IF you are a soulless, flesh eating believer in free love and intolerant to comic books- this new trailer should have you running to the local home depot and have you fashioning next year’s Halloween costume out of rain gutters, duct tape and plumbing supplies!

Three reasons this movie is going to be better than most movies:

1. Sam Rockwell. Remember how I don’t ever read up on a movie before I see it, because I don’t want to know if my deductions from watching a trailer are correct until I see said movie? Ya, well it wasn’t until just this very second that I found out that my favorite actor is in this movie as none other than Justin Hammer. I can’t personally think of a better Yin to Downey’s Yang (not what she said) I honestly became school girl giddy and got a little choked up at the thought when I saw his face…

2. The Wrestler vs. Paul Rusesabagina vs. (insert the REST of the seemingly perfectly cast movie here) I think everyone can, except for a few Scarlett naysayers, agree that this flick’s cast looks somewhat… pardon my redundancy… perfect.

3. Suitcase Armor and Warmachine. Ya. Rock out with your geek out. I don’t care that these were more than 3 reasons… I’m seeing this movie- and I’m probably seeing it more than once.