MOVIE TRAILERS! Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

We all love a good movie trailer. Its like watching a little movie… a.. “short film” if I may-

NOW- some trailers give away WAY too much, they’ll condense the beginning, middle and end into a minute thirty. Other trailers will throw 3 words, a logo and a sound bite at you and expect you to be content with the information they haven’t presented… I’m not one to judge a trailer by its edits, but I’m going to anyway! Dozens of trailers for dozens of films hit the web on a weekly basis and I’ve taken it upon myself to bring you as many trailers as I feel are worth watching (weed teh worthwhile from the worthlesswhile)-  then I might even throw my opinion at whether or not(based on the information given/not given) the movie looks worth watching…

Onto the trailers!

 Deathly Hallows

For all y’all geeky nerds and fantasy fiends… I stumbled across this first look of the next installment of what seems to be a never ending franchise… Its an interesting technique throwing a bit of a behind the scenes look before the actual teaser, and I’m not sure if it excites me more for the film, or bothers me that I have to sit through it before seeing footage of the film…

There isn’t much given away on plot line, in fact I’d say it was just the right amount- but everyone already knows the story. (Also an interesting technique)
