MOVIE TRAILERS! Dead Season (Premiere)

Got an email today from the producer of the film Dead Season… the story of two post-zombie outbreak survivors, Elvis and Tweeter, as they escape America to find a safe haven on a tropical island. Upon arriving, they are forced to deal with a newly formed community that is anything but civil. The film stars James C. Burns, Scott Peat and Marissa Merrill.

Burns will be familiar to gaming fans anxiously awaiting the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops in November:  he plays central character Sgt. Frank Woods.

The email suggested that they’ve just released the first of many publicly viewable trailers… and we at BSR! are premiering said trailer!

They also made claim to be the first production company to shoot an entire feature film on the Canon 7D (a claim they didn’t have to make because it is very apparent from the footage in the trailer)…. A trailer which I watched on the film’s website, but you can watch it below:

Dead Season Trailer 1 from enzosauce on Vimeo.

Dead Season Trailer 1 from enzosauce on Vimeo.

“DEAD SEASON is more than a zombie movie.  It deals with ‘what if’ situations in a post-apocalyptic society; realistic decision making that is necessary for survival.” said producer Loren Semmens.

I watched the trailer five times just to make sure I was giving it all due credit… and… Ya…  Dead Season is most definitely just another zombie film. In fact… I think Romero just released- or is about to release one that is ” target=”_blank”>almost identical to this one in premise. (Romero’s has a Hatfield vs. McCoy twist to it though)

I will say that I am impressed with the scope of the film: location, some of the Make-up FX, cinematography is quite clean and the acting seems halfway decent…

But… there are a lot of things in the trailer that stick out like a sore thumb: the terrible music, the dialogue sounds like they recorded it using the Canon’s built in microphone instead of a shotgun microphone… the sound design itself is very stock (which granted could be just for the trailer)… the terrible, terrible music… and of course, the terrible music.

All accolades for completing a feature film though, I’m still going to see the film (if I can find it) and I really hope that the delivery (which falls epically flat in the trailer) exceeds my expectations… what do you guys think?