I don’t want to over intellectualize Scream 4, NOT because Its a horror movie, but because I don’t want to spoil anything for you. As what it is – a horror movie – it offers up a decently fun ride of meandering suspicions and “jump” scares. If you are looking for something that will give you nightmares or actually make you shake with fear this is not your movie. But if you want something really inline with the first Scream film; a smart, modern, apropos horror comedy that bites the hand that feeds it – this IS your movie. Featuring the brands formulaic rotation of a young hot up and coming cast as well as the surviving standards of the previous films – Scream 4 surprisingly delivers a satisfying pop corn movie.

Or at least it does from the point of view of THIS 28 year old.
(Now to start over intellectualizing it – and kinda but not really spoil it just a pinch)

This film has a LOT of commentary on the generation gap that has evolved over the past 10 years. In Culture at large, In Hollywood, and in Horror films. I don’t know if a person in high school right now will walk out of the theater and feel as amorous about the film as I do and I think my generation will. THAT right there is something rather freakish as the trend in Hollywood for a LONG time has been to cater to the 13 – 24 crowd ad nauseam. One does not empathize with the characters journey as much as sympathize with the social awkwardness of it all. Observing a youth culture that as much mimics ones own youthful experience as it devalues and criticizes it. There is a subtle and not so nice joke to this film. Kevin Williamson either spot on calls the new youth for what they are, or perfectly addresses what my generation THINKS of them. But I really can not objectively tell which it is. I remember being in High School and wondering what it would be like when I was in my late 20’s. What my reunion would be like? What kind of topical films would be made commenting about the 90’s ten years on? The first Scream film was kind of a flag ship movie for my 90’s youth. It some how only seems oddly appropriate that instead of some quarter life crisis high school reunion film the movie that strikes the perfect contrast between how it was when I was in high school and NOW – is Scream 4.