Midnight in Paris by Woody Allen

Roger Ebert posted the poster for this new Woody Allen Romantic Comedy Midnight in Paris and it has been all a buzz on the internet today. I’ve long been a big fan of everything Woody Allen so I got excited when I saw this poster and found out who was all involved. Owen Wilson is always a good fit, add to that Adrien Brody who’s took time off his brodyquest to be in the movie, and Carla Bruni’s film debut. Most people know Bruni for being the wife of the President of France but I know her from her beautiful singing:


The basic plot premise is as follows: “A romantic comedy about a family traveling to the French capital for business. The party includes a young engaged couple forced to confront the illusion that a life different from their own is better.” Most of the filming took place in Paris and it’s set to debut at Cannes this week, so we’ll surely see it here in the US in a couple of months.

I have been loving Allen’s movies for a long time but mostly I like it when he goes towards the more comedic side. Bananas and Deconstructing Harry could both easily make it into my top 20 movies of all time. So I’m very excited for this one. What are your thoughts on this new film?