Meet the Seven Evil Exes From Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World!

About 3 months ago, Budgetron (aka Derek Hunter) was kind enough to lend me all the volumes in the Scott Pilgrim series (that have been released) and I instantly fell in love with the story, the world, and the characters. Since that time, I have been obsessed with the movie treatment, hoping like all of you who have been fans much longer than I that Edgar Wright knocks it out of the park (but come on, is anyone doubting him that much from what we’ve seen in the trailers and TV Spots?). August just seems so far away, so until then, any new trailers, clips, posters, etc. that are released are like heroin to me…

Anywho… the fine folks at JoBlo have posted some pretty groovy character posters featuring Ramona Flowers’ evil ex-boyfriends! You can check out two of them below then shoot on over to JoBlo to check out the other four!

And, I know Derek, you want your comics back… you’ll have them back soon!

