UPDATE: Lo! At Long Last, Thor Hath Been Cast!

The God of Thuner Doth Smolder

The God of Thuner Doth Smolder

Meet Loki

Meet Loki

And here we have out Loki, Tom Hiddleston , a relative unknown i the U.S. who currently acts alongside Kenneth Branagh in the BBC’s Wallander.

So there you have it, two relative unknowns (in the US at least) leading he cast so far, possibly along with Natalie Portman, whose gotta be either Lady Sif or Enchantress – oooh, but maybe she’s Hela?

Exciting to see this come together.  I know a lot of people aren’t crazy about Thor, but he’s been one of my favorites for years, especially with the latest Strazinski relaunch.  Just remember, Iron man was a second tier Marvel character until quite recently, and the movie had a lot to do with it.  I have high hopes for Branagh’s Thor.

Principle photography starts in January.


Our Rumored Female Lead

And his name is Chris Hemsworth.

Perhaps best known as the late father of James T. Kirk in Paramount’s slam dunk of a reboot, Star Trek, Chris Hemsworth seems to be making his mark, starring in MGM’s upcoming “Cabin in the Woods,”as well as playing Jed Eckert, (Patrick Swayze’s character) in an upcoming  remake of Red Dawn.

How about one of you photoshop wizards slap some golden locks and a winged helmet on this handsome devil and see what we get?

It seems wise to me, casting relative newcomers into some of these iconic Marvel roles as to bring less baggage to the character. I’d call it a wise choice and I can’t imagine second guessing an actor/director as esteemed as Kenneth  Branagh while charged with one of the more challenging adaptations the Marvel Universe has to offer, though I’m sure if anybody knows better than he, it would be some blog trolling douche fanboy, so let’s hear it you bunch of geniuses.

I can only judge Mr. Hemsorth’s chops from the first 10 minutes of Star Trek, which had me holding back tears to be completely frank, so I’m just crossing my finger’s that he, or any living actor for that matter won’t sound like a complete fool uttering phrases like, “By Fafnir’s Teeth!” and all those wonderful Thorism’s that Walt Simonson forced me to love.

Check out the Variety article for more info, including a smattering of plot news that I was previously unaware of.


Get Thee Back Foul Beast !

Get Thee Back Foul Beast !