John Carter of Mars wraps filming in Utah

For the last 120 days, Pixar has been buzzing about the state filming the Barsoomian portion of “John Carter of Mars” and it was announced today that photography has wrapped.  And as exciting as this is, we still won’t see this film until 2012, which is sad because it will most likely be great.  (This is another film to add to the list of greatness we’ll be treated to in 2012.)

From the press release:

Salt Lake City, UT –  Principal photography is now completed in Utah
for The Walt Disney Studios’ upcoming feature film, “John Carter of
Mars,” being directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton
(Finding Nemo, Wall∙E), and produced by Colin Wilson (Avatar).

Filmed throughout Southern Utah in the areas of Big Water, Kanab,
Hanksville, Delta and Moab, the production created 300 jobs over a
120-day period, and brought $21 million into several rural Utah

“As Governor, I am particularly happy that Utah has been host to the
recently completed production of ‘John Carter of Mars’ during the past
year. The book series was a favorite of mine when I was young, and I
can’t wait to see the finished film,” Governor Gary R. Herbert said.
“This project has stimulated the state’s local economies at a critical
time and provided hundreds of jobs for Utah’s film professionals.”

The film’s producers were considering Utah when Senate Bill 14
(Financial Incentives for Motion Pictures) was passed in March 2009. SB
14, in addition to the quality filming locations and the availability of
professional crews, helped Utah win the starring role as the double for

“The collaboration between the Utah Film Commission, the Motion Picture
Association of Utah and the State’s robust film industry has yielded
tremendous results,” said Spencer Eccles, executive director of the
Governor’s Office of Economic Development. “We are anxious to welcome
the next studio production to Utah, our message to Hollywood is, welcome

“This was an ideal project for Utah because of the unique landscapes we
have within our borders,” said Marshall Moore, director of the Utah
Film Commission. Lockheed Martin had also recently used Utah as a double
for Mars during an industrial shoot in 2009.

Various locations of the state were used in the production, among them
Kane County and Moab City which felt a large economic benefit. “The
film provided employment for extras, framers, carpenters and
landscapers. Many local businesses including grocery, lumber, hardware,
lodging and restaurants benefitted from the film,” said Kay Giles,
director of the Kane County Office of Tourism and Film Commission. The
City of Moab was pleased with the economic impact the film had on their
community. “This was a win-win situation for the City of Moab business
owners and our citizens,” said Dave Sakrison, Mayor of Moab, Utah.

The production of “John Carter of Mars,” represents the largest
economic impact of any movie made in Utah.  Based on the first of Edgar
Rice Burroughs’ “Barsoom Series,” the film chronicles the journey
of Civil-War veteran John Carter (TAYLOR KITSCH), who finds himself
battling a new and mysterious war amidst a host of strange Martian
inhabitants, including Tars Tarkas (WILLEM DAFOE) and Dejah Thoris (LYNN
COLLINS).  The film is scheduled to be released in 2012.