It was disclosed that Ivan Reitman would be attached to the upcoming Ghostbusters 3 project, but in what capacity? IMDB is listing him as a producer, but with no director attached yet, might he take up the mantle?
His involvement was first revealed by MTV in an interview here. Is this exciting news? Should Ivan Reitman take up the reigns and direct the third one? Or should he stick to crap (as opposed to crap sticking to him.) like My Super Ex-Girlfriend?
Personally I don’t think they should give him another chance, in fact I wish that he weren’t even going to be attached as a producer. He is a no talent hack and has made far more bad films than good ones. Does everyone remember Junior? That was Ivan Reitman that did that to us.

A Big Idiot
I say the least they can do if he stays on the project, is make Megan Fox, or Angelina Jolie the new Janine.