HZ Review — Star Trek: DS9 1×01

I love Star Trek Deep Space Nine, it’s currently in my top ten favorite shows of all time and I’ve watched the show all the way through 3 times already. I have yet to own all of the seasons but Netflix recently added the show onto it’s instant play so once in a while when I need my DS9 fix I’m going to watch the next episode and write my thoughts on the episode. There won’t be a single post for every episode, some posts may have 4 episodes some may only have one, just depends on how much I feel like writing. The other thing is there will be spoilers so if you haven’t watched the show you probably shouldn’t read these.

1×01 — Emissary — This is a really good opening episode, it sets up the emissary role nicely and it’s introduction of characters was interesting. I especially liked Sisko, though he’s not my favorite character throughout the run of the show, this episode had some very good motivations. It had a guest starring role from Patrick Stewart and having Sisko have incredible hatred for Picard was really interesting. No one but bad guys had shown hatred for Picard and now suddenly our hero hates our other hero. Tying it in to the Borg episode was awesome. My wife died because you. Then they finish not really with respect just with a hand shake which says, “I’ll stay but I still hate you.”

O’Brien had a moment with Picard which was basically:

Picard: I’m gonna miss having you at the teleport.

O’Brien: I’ll miss it too. (No, I won’t, the transporter sucks and I’m getting a huge raise.)

Bashir had little to him, just a bright eyed doctor excited for a new adventure. Dax was briefly done which was nice and reminded us of what Trills were from the season before on TNG. Odo was not very good which is surprising for a character they flush out really well. Quark had mannerisms which I don’t remember seeing which means they stop happening pretty quick. Kira doesn’t really become good except when she’s super bad which we’ll get into later in the show. Gul Dukat is only briefly seen, but as he’s easily one of my favorite characters in the whole show it’s so good to see him.

The prophets part does go on a bit long and I had wanted maybe more from the characters together instead of wormhole aliens but for the most part I really like this as a beginning.

Rating: B+