Have You Seen the New Star Trek Trailer Yet?!

No? Then you need to click here immediately and check it out.

I have been Trek fan my entire life, in fact, I just watched Generations last night because I got this sudden urge to watch Picard and Kirk kick some ass and Data say “Ohhhh shit.” as the TNG Enterprise meets its demise. Star Trek, Star Trek TNG are among my favorite TV shows of all time and I am extremely excited about the latest incarnation by JJ Abrams. I really hope this captures the awesomeness that is the Original Series, as tongue in cheek as it may have been at times.

My only complaint is with 10 year old Kirk, which I hope is just a fleeting opening scene to the movie, and brooding Kirk on the motorcycle. Other than that I think the casting is great, and if I may quote one of the Geek Show Forum members who I think said it best:

“Oh, and Uhura? SMOKING!!! :D I’ll take her transmissions anytime!”

I’m not sure if this is meant to be a “reboot” with more movies to come, or just simply another installment that happens to be a prequel, but judging by the trailer, so far, so excited.