Halo Movie Still on Hold

Last week IESB posted a “scoop” saying that Spielberg was interested in tackling the Halo movie:

IESB has learned exclusively (believe me this is solid and I’ve confirmed it three times over with studio executives and our close ties to CAA) that one of the biggest producers in Hollywood history is currently in active negotiations to develop the feature film adaptation and no it’s not Jerry Bruckheimer or Peter Jackson. It’s the man behind Jaws, E.T., Indiana Jones and Transformers, Mr. Steven Spielberg.

Spielberg is blown away by writer Stuart Beattie’s take on the game in his script entitled HALO THE FALL OF REACH. This coupled with the fact that his Dreamworks umbrella is looking for a big tent pole to help launch their newly independant studio with distribution over at Walt Disney Pictures after losing Transformers to Paramount in the separation, it’s the perfect combination.

Well… it seems as if IESB may have jumped the gun a little bit here, as Kotaku is disputing this rumor with a “confirmation” of their own:

Responding to questions we had over the Spielberg rumour (and indeed the future of the movie itself), a Microsoft spokesperson told Kotaku:

“We’re glad there’s still a lot of enthusiasm in the entertainment industry surrounding the idea of a Halo movie. That said, the Halo feature film remains on hold as we focus on projects like Halo 3: ODST and Halo: Reach.”

Upon further questioning, Microsoft added that they had “nothing further to share with respect to plans regarding a Halo movie”.

So, it seems after a brief stint back on the interwebs, the Halo movie slips back into the dark on hold.

Now, I wouldn’t want to leave you completely high and dry, but as you all know, Neil Blomkamp, director of the forthcoming District 9, was attached to direct the Halo movie, and he even did a live action test scene back in 2007 in a landfill that I have embeded for your viewing pleasure (if you haven’t seen it already). I give you his vision -with the help of WETA- of what the Halo movie should look like: