Frank Marshall Confirms Indy 5!

Ladies and gentlemen, dust off that fedora again, according to Ain’t It Cool Indy 5 is a go:

Following up on Shia LaBeouf’s tease from earlier this week, producer Frank Marshall has confirmed to Empire that INDY 5 is in development. According to Marshall, “We had a great time making the last one and, as Harrison said, we need to make this one soon. We’re not getting any younger.”

So, yes, Harrison, Steven and George are all on board for this fifth movie provided they can settle on a script. Marshall says he hasn’t heard the “cracked” idea Shia recently spoke of, but he did drop this nugget on Twitter a little bit ago: “The story for Indy5 is progressing. It is still in the research phase.”

For those of us who are avid Indiana Jones fans, any news of another film is welcome. I’m curious to see who is working on the script, what the story is and what the macguffin is.

I know a lot of you feel burned by what happened in the last Indiana Jones picture, but I really think you just forgot what it was like to understand that adventure has a name. The film was fun, adventurous, had the requisite number of twists and turns and had a pretty cool artifact. What more could we have asked for?

And it also gave us dominatrix-commie Cate Blanchett. We should get down on our knees and thank these men for the work they do.