DVD REVIEW: Scream of the Banshee

Archeology professor Isla Whelan (Dumb & Dumber’s Lauren Holly) accidentally releases the spirit of an ancient creature with the ability to kill with its scream.

Directed by Steven C. Miller (Automaton Transfusion) from a script by Anthony C. Ferrante (Headless Horseman) Scream of the Banshee is the first of two films co-produced by After Dark Films and Syfy (the other being 51). It’s an odd little film as it tries to creep in a few scares while also playing to the campy sensibilities that Syfy has, for better or worse, made their calling card. The cast, which is as good as could be expected, also includes genre favorite Lance Hendriksen (Alien, Millennium) in a small role and a rare onscreen appearance from voice actor Todd Haberkorn. What does this add up to? A very uneven film that can’t quite decide what it wants to be.

But the real fun of Scream of the Banshee isn’t the film but the audio commentary by Miller and composer Ryan Dodson. Miller makes it quite clear that he didn’t exactly enjoy the experience and while he doesn’t disown the picture he vents a large amount frustration for not having the creative control he would have liked. It’s refreshing and makes for an interesting companion to the audio commentary from B-movie veterans Jim Wynorski and Roger Corman on the recent Blu-ray release of Dinocroc vs. Supergator.