DVD REVIEW: David Cross: Bigger and Blackerer!!!


I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of David Cross’ new comedy special, Bigger and Blackerer…. (Blackerer isn’t a real word…. yet.) The DVD comes complete with an enlarged poster of the cover… its repugnance made me laugh… Which I thought was a good first sign that I was going to like the DVD. I’ve been a fan of David Cross for a long time now… although I’ve never watched any of his comedy specials before…

What I like about his humor is that it comes off as somewhat intellectual, (I think because he wears glasses.) but at the same time he isn’t afraid of using low-brow humor simultaneously. Some people aren’t fans of racist jokes… But I’m not a part of that faction… while I don’t make many racist jokes myself… I’m completely impartial to hearing them… as long as the user doesn’t seem to be actually racist… and even then, only if the jokes aren’t funny. But his jokes were funny… My favorite parts were about religion and how outdated it is…But I was genuinely laughing out loud throughout the whole thing… So overall I thought it was really good.

Apparently the CD and the DVD vary quite a bit… They recorded two shows in a row, and they cut together two entirely different specials… and so I’d be interested in hearing the CD as well… but for the time being, I’ll just say that it was a good DVD. The special features were mostly just deleted scenes from the special… some of them were definitely as funny as anything in the special itself… The special itself was about an hour long, and contains swearing.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any opinions about this special that will change your world view, or give you the courage to finally send your Grandma to that home… but that doesn’t mean I don’t highly recommend it… It is going to be released May 25th, along with the CD. You can buy the completely reasonably priced DVD from Amazon here! or else the CD here!