A man (Adrien Brody) wakes up in a wreck car in the middle of a forest. His leg is pinned beneath the dash, there’s a dead man in the backseat and he has no recollection of how he got there or who he is. As the hours pass the man is haunted by snippets of memories and hallucinations as he slips in and out of consciousness.

Initially Wrecked feels very much like Buried and 127 Hours but eventually strays from that formula for much of the second half of the film. Director Michael Greenspan does a commendable job with Christopher Dodd’s screenplay but the film, even at only 91 minutes, feels entirely too long. The tension that exists at the beginning of the film isn’t sustained throughout. I assume that Greenspan and Dodd expected the mystery of the man’s identity and what exactly happened before he woke to carry the second half of the film but it doesn’t quite work. Brody gives a nice performance but ultimately he isn’t given enough to do. Wrecked is interesting but never as compelling as it needs to be. The film is worth a rent but I don’t see it having much replay value.

Bonus features are limited to some behind-the-scenes footage and the crew discussing the difficulties of filming in the middle of a forest. The theatrical trailer is also included but I highly recommend not watching it because it reveals too much and robs the film of its biggest twist.