I am generally not the chick flick kind of machine, but I am aware that they call them chick flicks because girls like them. The Last Kiss is, indeed, a chick flick.

So the question I would be asking me if I were you, which I am, is “Is this the type of chick flick, I, as a male robot would be willing to sit through?”

Well, all I can say is that I am still alive after watching it.

“Was it good?” is the next question I would ask me, if I were you. Whom I also am.

The answer is no. This movie is not good. It’s really cheesy, it’s chock full of phony insights about relationships. In all fairness, though, it’s not really my cup of tea.

Plot: The main character (Zach Braff) has a girlfriend whom is pregnant and wants to marry him. He’s having second thoughts.  He has three buddies with different but similar and applicable problems that resonate with his problem. His wife’s mother and father are also haven’t similar problems that reflect theirs. A younger girl comes along and you can guess what happens next…

The biggest problem I have with it is how much like a formula it feels like. Everything sticks to a single theme to such an extent that it feels like a giant montage. A lot of things happen with a lot of different characters, with a very similar theme, but the characters all seemed fake. They all felt like stereotypes acting out stereotypical scenes. I don’t feel like you got to know any of the characters past the surface.

I don’t think that this movie brings anything new or exciting to the world that we haven’t seen or won’t see again in a far better way. I don’t think it was very impressive is all I’m saying.

Which for a chick flick might be an okay thing.

Most of the comedy came from gay, fart, and erection jokes, it really wasn’t funny to me, but I’m aware it was supposed to be. This is actually the first movie I have seen with Zach Braff, and all I can say is that I wasn’t very impressed.

There are plenty of special features, including a gag reel, and two different audio commentaries. But the best reason to buy this movie on Blu-ray is it’s a swell transfer of the film and there are several boobs in it. In high definition!

So if you’re a guy that has to watch a chick flick, but you want to see some boobs this is the film for you! I

It’s filled with archetypes and cliches, but nobody’s perfect.

My advice for you, if you can get over the fact that there are no boobs in it, is to watch Vicky Cristina Barcelona. It has a similar theme, but is much more entertaining and much less forceful. It’s available on Blu-ray, and is much funnier.