BLU-RAY REVIEW: John Carter (of Mars)

I don’t need to tell you how good the picture quality is, or how great the sound design is, this is a Disney film on Blu-ray. You know all that. It’s a given going in.

What you need to know is that you were a fool if you missed John Carter on the big screen and this release proves it. Revisiting the film at home proves what I’ve been saying all along, it was a victim of a massive marketing failure, since there was no single element of the film that was lacking. It had an engaging story, incredible visuals, excellent directing, and beautiful storytelling.

Blu-ray is where, I think, this movie is going to truly flourish in fandom and in the minds of a generation who are going to turn it into a cult hit, much the same way The Princess Bride found its audience long after its failure at the box office.

John Carter is a rousing adventure that doesn’t fail to capture the spirit of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ books.

I can’t oversell how fun a movie this is, and I can’t oversell how disappointed I am that they didn’t even make toys. I wanted a plush Woola and a Tars Tarkas action figure.

Rewatching the film, everything gels even better. From Brian Cranston and Willem Dafoe’s performances to the stunning animation of the denizens of Barsoom and Woola, this movie is simply stunning. The story reaches greater depths and gave me the chills more often than not. There’s that moment when John Carter realizes he’s on Mars and I was almost brought to tears with how good it was.

It was pitch perfect emotionally, visually, and in the storytelling.

The entire movie is like that.

I really can’t find a flaw in this film other than the abysmal marketing and promotion campaign.

Andrew Stanton did an amazing job with this film and the only way you can help us get a sequel to this movie is to buy it on Blu-ray. He shouldn’t be disappointed at all in the movie he turned in. He should be very, very proud of it. One day, everyone will come around to it, just like they did with The Princess Bride.

Please join me in spreading the gospel of John Carter to make it so.

You can start by getting it on Amazon now.