Biggs on Doctor Who!

iMediaMonkey is reporting that Garrick Hagon will be guest starring on Doctor Who, which is currently filming in Spain. Rumours are that they’re shooting an old west episode in the same areas Sergio Leone filmed his Spaghetti Westerns.

Hagon played Biggs Darklighter in the first installment of Star Wars in 1977.

News broke of the guest stars casting via organisers of Spain’s FreakCon convention, when they wrote on their Twitter feed: ”Garrick Hagon, our guest at FreakCon, is currently shooting in Almeria, filming a series of Doctor Who.”

Though Hagon is best known for Star Wars, he also played in Tim Burton’s Batman and Richard Attenborough’s A Bridge Too Far.

To be honest, I’m just excited that we’re getting more Doctor Who. They could have cast someone as terrible as Megan Fox and Jon Voight to be in an episode and I’d still be as happy as a clam. That they’ve contracted an actor from Star Wars whose performances I happen to adore, it’s just that much better.