Beyonce As Wonder Woman?!

Christ, I hope not…

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Talking to the Los Angeles Times the singer/actress said, “I want to do a superhero movie and what would be better than Wonder Woman? It would be great. And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful thing. It’s time for that, right?”

Well, at least she’s hitting the obvious nail on the head. A re-casting of Wonder Woman from her Greek roots to a darker tone would be a major shift for a comic book to film adaptation (rumors about Will Smith playing Captain America notwithstanding). To date, all the major characters who have crossed over have retained their look from the comics, and yes, by look, we mean skin color. Back-up characters and supporting cast have been changed here and there, such as Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin in Daredevil, but casting an African American as Wonder Woman would be a major departure for DC Comics and Warner Bros., who are notoriously protective of their top three characters, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman…

As for the real possibility of seeing Beyonce on screen as Wonder Woman? It’s very hard to say – Wonder Woman is becoming the Holy Grail of comic book to film adaptations, and has been stuck in various stages of development hell for years. Most notable among the efforts was Joss Whedon taking a spin at the Amazon Princess, but even he had to back off when he wasn’t able to deliver a script that captured the attention of executives at Warner Bros. Beyonce’s interest – if she’s serious – she is, after all, busily promoting her new album, and is currently working any and every angle to get her name in the press – could perhaps be enough to muscle the project back on to the active list for the studio, who recently said they are revising how they work with and view the DC Comics properties.

Recently, Australian actress Megan Gale was pegged to star as Wonder Woman in the planned Justice League ensemble film which was to bring together all of DC’s top-tier heroes. Plans for that film appear to have been put to rest – thankfully, in the eyes of many fans.

At Warner’s, the potential film is under the care of Producer Joel Silver who has said he’s looking for a way to make it work.

Here’s the thing, skin color and continuity aside, I would be more concerned about “Beyonce’s” acting ability. I mean, I’m not going to snap a judgement here, so maybe someone who saw Dreamgirls could let me know, but I don’t see her being a good enough actress to headline a movie, much less the WONDER WOMAN movie. Personally, I don’t see this happening, but you never know.