Anime Sucks. There, I said it.

So, with movies based on anime/manga sagas coming out such as Speedracer and Dragon Ball I felt this needed to be addressed.

Anime blows. This is not without reason or support and I know there are many out there who will argue this with me, but this is one robot’s humble opinion. First, the anime that are broken up into several episodes, or “sagas”, such as the popular DBZ, Samurai X, Big O, Gundam, etc. As a young kid, I used to love watching Toonami on Cartoon Network, specifically DBZ (I know, fanboy). But as I watched episode after episode I realized that only like 1/5 of the episodes were worth watching. Come on, a whole episode of Goku ‘powering up’? Literally, 30 minutes of him floating in the air screaming with lightning around him…lame. As I began to watch other shows I noticed a pattern, they were all like this, too much feined substance, not enough actual action. It’s boring. Now, you have all the typical arguements: that these are meant for adults/young adults, all the detail is amazing, the stories are deep and insightful, you have to watch the actual Japanese versions, not the edited American ones. No they aren’t and no you don’t. Anyone who says this is grasping at straws. Now, I’m not saying that there  isn’t an occasional episode or movie that is somewhat interesting, but these are not the end-all, cutting edge, deep, insightful, and poignant works of art that people claim.

If you find this type of entertainment amusing, that’s great, enjoy it, I did for awhile and I can understand, but to you animeniacs that try to cram all this “deep meaning” bullshit down other peoples throats and treat these works as the standard that all entertainment should be held to, go to hell. It’s a cartoon. I would put the 1990’s Spider-Man cartoon up to any anime any day of the week, that was entertainment, that was good stuff.

Now they are making this stuff into live-action movies? Really? The media acts like they are taking classic masterpieces and turning them into live-action blockbusters. No, you are taking mediocre cartoons and turning them into worse live-action dribble. Speedracer is probably going to suck, same with Dragonball. I will post a formal apology if I am wrong.