Anchorman 2 is happening

Yeah that’s news now, that’s happening. Wait… perhaps I should elaborate on this.

Alright to anyone who was a fan of the 2004 hit comedy “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy” starring Will Ferrell, and has waited eight years to get more, congratulations a sequel was announced tonight. If you are yet unfamiliar with the movie I invite you to go to your nearest DVD or BLURAY retail location and by it, not to go check it on IMDB, not to get it from netflix, just go buy it, it’s worth it.

Now you may ask where was it announced, like in a press conference with studio heads present? No. Well was it announced as a teaser trailer sent with prints of “Mirror Mirror”? Nay. Will Ferrell in character as Ron Burgandy announced it on Conan tonight. Boom.

Check it out here.

“>Anchorman 2 Announcement

And the rest is silence.