Are You MAD About Politics?

This first appeared on The Huffington Post.

We’re all a little MAD about politics these days, and if we’re as immature as the Republicans in Congress, we all still love things like MAD magazine. And since we’re living in the future, we can enjoy MAD Magazine on our various electronic devices that purport to be smarter than us.

The usual gang of idiots over at MAD are launching a new mobile app and they’re going to be releasing all sorts of political content, including books they’ve made.

They’ve given us here the privilege (if you can call it that) of unveiling the first book on the app. It’s called Bo Confidential: The Secret Files Of America’s First Dog and is full of “witty” political “comedy” from the perspective of the first family’s dog, Bo. It’s full of “insightful” and “sharp” satire, just like every other “quality” piece of material brought to you from MAD.

You can get the app for your iDevices for free on iTunes. After Bo Obama’s turn in the spotlight, other MAD books will be made available for download.

If you’re not sold by my description of their “hilarious” work, they’ve offered a preview of the book, which you should be able to go download now.

Bryan Young is an author and the editor of the geek news site Big Shiny Robot!