Hey there True Believers!

I have been pretty curious about the upcoming “Age of X” story arch that Marvel is moving out in the end of February. They have been running some pretty gorgeous splash page advertisements that certainly draw the eye. Familiar faces, some new costumes, and interest peeking slogans galore. But like (I imagine) many other seasoned X-men fans, I have been very weary. Marvel (and in all honesty comics in general) have a wonderfully BAD habit of pulling bait and switches on we the nerdy public. How many times have you found yourself in a “No reading!” policy comic shop buying the newest issue of a title you love, excited by the amazing cover art – only to feel betrayed by the second rate crap the publisher used in the interior panels? So I don’t think it is unreasonable  that maybe I have not been the only one who has been hopeful (But NOT very optimistic) that this would not be the case with this  run of our beloved X-titles.

So imagine my shock yesterday when Marvel sent out a press release with a sneak peak of some of the panel art, and it was just as beautiful as those adverts!?! I don’t know about the entirety of the story arch – but rest assured for the launch of Age of X we have the talented Mr. Clay Mann to kick it off. Here is a sneak peak of X-men: Legacy #245 which hits the shelves Feb, 23 2011.

“Mutantkind has been purged from the very face of the earth and its eradication wasn’t an accident…it was government policy. But just who are the unlikely survivors of this grim future…and do they dare announce their existence to a world that fears and hates them?”