Viggo Mortensen Being Sought For Superman

Reports from Heat Vision are saying that Viggo Mortensen is being sought to be in Zack Snyder’s Superman film for the part of Zod. This means a couple things for us, first that the movie will have Zod, secondly that Kevin Costner is probably looking to be Jonathan Kent. Which I think is good news, Costner feels like Pa Kent to me out their in the corn fields of Smallville, maybe thinking about building a baseball field.

Also since this is just a report that Mortensen is being sought don’t take that to mean that he’s done any thing else, no readings or auditions or meetings. They want him in the movie, he may find out tomorrow or he could be thinking about it we don’t know. Don’t take it for anything more than that, same with Costner. The two are wanted for the parts but Mortenson is possibly going to be in Snow White and The Huntsman which could create issues that would need to be hammered out between Warner and Universal.

What do you think? Do you like Viggo for Zod? Who would you cast?

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