Video Game Quick Hits 6/3/11

Hello and welcome to the first edition of VGQH for June 2011. Like that really matters. The important thing is that it’s actually the last edition before this year’s E3 destroys the squishy stuff in your skull. While that could mean that this will be full of salad and no meat since the industry is saving the big news for next week, I’ve actually come across some pretty cool information.

You may have heard about Project Beachhead from Activision and have been wondering what it is. They’ve finally unveiled it as Call of Duty: Elite. While it is software, it is not actually a standalone game. It’s actually a subscription based service that tracks your CoD play across multiple platforms and games. The service has been tracking stats since the release of Black Ops in 2010. Elite doesn’t just track stats either. It also gives tips (specific to your play style, location and nature of death, typical loadout, etc.), clan support, and offers prizes for players. Prize competitions could be things like best headshot video or artistic screenshot, with prizes ranging from Starbucks gift cards to iPad 2s. The price has not been announced but it does appear there will be at least two pricing tiers, free and premium. The paid service will include leagues, clans, free Modern Warfare 3 DLC, and other benefits. You should be seeing a beta this summer, with full release in fall. [If this all looks familiar you’ve probably already been using or Bungie Pro.]

If you enjoy online multiplayer, but not the FPS variety, you might want to get in on the Uncharted 3 beta. The beta will include two maps, the Airfield and the Chateau – both of which change throughout the round. Only having two maps won’t limit variability too much though, as it will come with nine different modes (Team Deathmatch, 3-Team Deathmatch, Team Objective, Free For All, Plunder, High Stakes, and three unidentified co-op games). Playable characters include Drake, Sully, various treasure hunters, and customizable pirates. To mix it up during matches, one minute “events” can begin to change the flow – like adding a higher point bounty to one player. The open beta will run July 4th to July 13th. You can get early access on June 28th from buying inFAMOUS 2 or joining PlayStation Plus (which you’ll have free for 30 days with the Welcome Back program).

Throttling back a bit from the ever exciting world of online multiplayer, Zombie Games (best known for Blacklight: Tango Down) has made a pretty big announcement about their next downloadable game. Partnering with Top Cow they’ll be bringing the Hunter-Killer franchise to XBLA and PSN. Very little information is available right now, but I’d expect to hear some news from E3. The game is described as being an “all out Ultras battle.”

Remember last issue when I told you it looked like Carmageddon was making a comeback? It’s true. With the franchise now back in the hands of the original developer, Stainless Games, Carmageddon: Reincarnation “will feature the same black humour and comic violence that made the original game such a success,” according to Neil Barnden (Executive Director and Founder for Stainless). The game is still in the early stages, but they are seeking a publisher to bring the game to your download service next year.

We haven’t heard much about Aliens: Colonial Marines since it was announced, and I still dont’ have much now. But I would expect more next week as SEGA and Gearbox have announced they will be showing it off at E3. They’ve also confirmed it for Spring 2012. Based on the enthusiasm from the developers, this looks like a must buy for any fan of the series, as well as most fans of action shooters and co-op.

If you enjoyed playing as War in Darksiders, I’ve got good news for you. Darksiders 2 is coming in 2012. In a story that runs parallel to the first game, the sequel will see players controlling a new character, Death. Danny Bilson, VP of Core Games, says they “have taken the best parts of Darksiders and improved on them with a host of new mechanics and features. You will see great things from this epic game.” You’ll find more information in the cover story for the next issue of Game Informer and you should probably pay attention for more news from E3. What I’m really curious to see is how they plan to make additional games based on Famine and Pestilence, the dullest of the Four.

There are few things more exciting than news about Batman: Arkham City. The latest bit may be the most exciting news yet. Not that playing as Batman could ever get boring, but just in case you need a little change up, Rocksteady’s just announced that you’ll be picking up as Catwoman for some of the game. Selina will have her own set of moves and weapons, including her signature whip and claws, as well as a bolo and even improv weapons like steel pipes. And this isn’t just a challenge map character like Joker was on the PS3, her story will actually comprise about 10% of the overall game. I have no idea what she’s after, but Selina Kyle is never completely selfless. She definitely has an agenda. Personally, I never thought I could get this excited to be a pussy in a Batman game.

Good news everybody! If you haven’t completely given up on Sony yet, the PlayStation Store is back. And rumors of semi-weekly updates to get it current were false. That means it’s back with a ridiculously massive update. I’m not listing everything here but I will give you some highlights: “Honest Hearts” for Fallout: New Vegas, demos for Red Faction: Armageddon and MotorStorm: Apocalypse, a full game trial for Dante’s Inferno, Oddworld: Abe’s Exxodus, Back to the Future episode 3, the Fantastic Four table for Marvel Pinball (which I love even though I’m terrible), 40 songs for Rock Band 3 (not counting plenty more from RBN), and a veritable plethora of videos, themes, avatars, etc. That’s just for PS3 too. You’ll also find plenty of new items for your PSP, particularly for Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy. Check the PlayStation Blog for a full list. Unfortunately the Welcome Back package is still getting final testing so you won’t get those benefits quite yet. There will be an additional update of new content today and updates will be back to normal starting June 8th.

If you’re not older than video games themselves, you may not remember a little game from 1982 known as Choplifter. But that’s okay. Because you’ll soon get to experience Choplifter HD on PC and PSN (with XBLA likely to follow at a later time). The game casts you as a helicopter rescue pilot working up the ranks. You’ll get a variety of helicopters in a healthy mix of real world rescues and fantasy missions (zombies, of course). Series creator Dan Gorlin is on board with inXile Entertainment’s relaunch of the franchise. You can get your rotors spinning this fall.

Speaking of old franchises being done in HD, Konami dropped a hell of a bomb yesterday, especially if you like Hideo Kojima (and who doesn’t). Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, and Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker (but not the first MGS or its Gamecube remake, Twin Snakes) are being re-released as Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. If you’ve still got your PSP save of Peace Walker, hang onto it. The HD version will connect with this in some way on PS3. But that’s not all. Zone of the Enders HD Collection is also on its way, remastering the first game and The 2nd Runner. But wait, there’s more. Konami also has plans for a Silent Hill HD Collection with remastered versions of the second and third games in the franchise. All three collections are planned for PS3 and 360 in 2012.

As a final note on E3, we’ve got the list from Square Enix on everything they’ll be showing. It’s a pretty diverse mix so you’re bound to find something to catch your eye. I can think of at least three games not on this list I would expect to them show. I mean it is Square Enix, and they’re flagship title isn’t here:

  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • Dead Island
  • Dungeon Siege III
  • Wakfu
  • Heroes of Ruin

It looks like that wraps this final pre-E3 issue. I’ve certainly missed something, but we’re all about to be overloaded next week anyway.